Thursday, 21 April 2011

A Comerade Cliché

Russia: Alexej Vorobjov - Get You

Alexej Vorobjov is not just a star in Russia – he’s a SUPERstar who’s already acted in 14 movies, written 11 soundtracks, won the Russian X-Factor and their version of Dancing With the Star – where he not only danced but also ice-skated! These are only a few his merits and it’s fair to assume that we can expect something spectacular from this Russian prodigy. But ah, the disappointment. I know that Eastern-Europe is a little behind in their advancement, which is not strange after having been behind that iron curtain for so long. However, that is no excuse for coming up with an 80’s dance song. Is this really the cream of the crop over there? I’m worried.

This cliché of a pop-song is about as interesting as watching paint dry, and Vorobjov is using cheap tricks such as kissing a girl in the audience in order to charm the viewers (If you don’t have the patience to watch the whole video - just fast forward to 1:18 for the romantic scene). Come one, even the girl looks annoyed. I hope we will be spared of this grossness in Düsseldorf, but I’m sure it will be even more disgusting there. Ok so he’s got a couple of moves, he can sing a little bit and I guess some boys and girls could find him attractive. But from a country that gave us Dostoyevsky and Tchaikovsky, I really don’t understand how they can label this guy a prodigy as well. I’m almost tempted to say close the curtain again, I can’t watch this.

Russia is one of those contesters you can never write off, no matter how pathetic their song is. They have a lot of scared neighbors and former comrades who’s got no choice but to vote for their old masters out of fear of for instance having their gas cut off. So Russia’s got nothing to worry about, this will most likely end up in the big finale and finish somewhere on the middle of the list – totally undeserved of course.

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