Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Ew and boo for Boom Boom

Armenia: Emmy - Boom Boom

Ever since their ESC debut in 2006, Armenia has never placed outside the top ten and they’re always a dangerous competitor for the grand trophy. But things are about to change as this years Armenian entry is the worst they have ever come up with. This cannot be a top ten song unless the world has gone completely crazy, and there are a few signs to this lately so you never know.

Boom Boom is terribly constructed song, it really sounds like two songs in one and they don’t go well together at all. Whoever is behind this must be completely tone-deaf, it’s so off sounding that it’s really a mystery how nobody in Armenia seems to have noticed. And they usually have such good taste over there, I wonder what went wrong. The boom boom chaka chaka chorus is somewhat charming I suppose, and it really sticks to your brain like an annoying parasite. The girl is cute, I like the way she moves around on stage and from what I hear she’s very famous back in Armenia. Not that it’s going to be any kind of help in Düsseldorf as she’s still a nobody in Europe and I’m afraid she will remain a nobody after the competition.

Despite the terrible construction of this song there is something catchy about it which makes me feel like I can’t completely write it off. Don’t get me wrong though I really don’t like it, but for some reason I think a lot of people might find this worth voting for. There is a lot of twelve year olds with cell phones nowadays so I predict this could end up in the finale on Saturday.

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